Tuesday, 26 May 2009

Creative Dissonance

I was reading a really interesting blog post by Rob in response to the practice that was sent out on the need to be courageous, where he discussed his journey with courage and conflict. He went from avoiding conflict at all costs, often to his own detriment, to seeing how conflict opens doors to explore difference and have open and safe discussions with others.

This really resonated with me and reminded me of a very interesting discussion I heard a few months ago which was about the importance of creative dissonance. The person in question was discussing how a behemoth of an institution had to re-invent itself and do new things to try and resonate with people, as everyone had so many preconceptions of it. To do this required creating a time of creative dissonance which is confrontational and a risk, but ultimately constructive as they reassessed matters and asked themselves some very difficult questions. But to do this took the courage to step up, create dissonance and deal with the potential ramifications.

I know I shy away from dissonance at times, and know I am not on my own on that, but am I missing the opportunity to have creative and constructive dissonance and conflict, I think I probably am. So I think I will be taking a leaf out of Rob and the other person in questions book and saying yes to creative dissonance.


1 comment:

Rob Watt said...

Creative Dissonance is a scary thing sometimes but ultimatley the outcomes are more exciting, beautiful and will have more intergity.